
Human Capital Information System.

a cloud-based human capital management application tailored for modern business needs. With multi-platform advantages, Prohace - HCIS offers ease of use, lightweight performance, cost efficiency, fast report generation, convenient data migration, and seamless integration with your company's existing systems. The ideal choice for effective and efficient human capital management.

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Core HR & Movement

Prohace offers nearly all processes needed for efficient human capital management. It even accommodates multi-company or group company concepts and outsourcing management, simplifying large-scale administration.

Advanced access settings include multi-role configurations, menu access, button access, and data access based on company, location, and grade. This ensures users can only access data according to their authority, enhancing data security and compliance.

Organizational structures can be easily configured using Excel uploads. Users can also effortlessly set up organizational templates to be applied in the future or currently, providing flexibility in organizational planning.

Approval workflows can be customized to various levels as needed. Approval types can be set to Auto Approve, by Superior, by Specific Job Level, by Specific Employee, or Based on Role Access.

Comprehensive employee data and history are available and can be easily exported or imported via Excel files, facilitating data integration and migration.

In the career movement feature, besides promotion, demotion, rotation, and termination, Prohace is also equipped with cross-company movement, supporting your organization's dynamics.

Comprehensive Attendance

Prohace offers ease in managing employee attendance and contract workers (outsourcing), including clock-in, clock-out, leave requests, permissions, sick leave, business trips, overtime, and attendance data correction.

Employees can easily use the attendance feature through a mobile application available in Android and iOS versions. Mobile attendance is equipped with Geo-Tagged and Face Detection, providing real-time location reports and photo verification.

WFO (Work from Office), WFH (Work from Home), and Shift schedules can be easily arranged via Excel upload or per individual employee. Attendance information is integrated with payroll calculations through the system, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Easy Payroll and Task

Prohace features comprehensive and user-friendly payroll and tax calculation management. Component parameters and formulas can be easily configured following the latest regulations.

Payroll components can be managed using batch Excel uploads, individual component updates, or automatically calculated by the system. Payroll calculations are connected with attendance data, social security (BPJS), employee loans, and scheduled repayment settings.

The calculation process is straightforward and fast. The system will automatically display which employees need recalculation. Users can perform calculations on all employees or individually.

Tax calculations cover employee taxes and contract worker taxes, and Form 1721 can be automatically generated by the system. For holding companies, calculations or monitoring of all subsidiaries can be easily done within a single application.

Performance Management

A 360° performance appraisal feature is available, including self-assessment, supervisors, subordinates, peers, or specific employees. Questionnaires can be easily inputted through the Employee Self Service (ESS), with scores automatically calculated by the system and comparable among reviewers. The final score can be adjusted as needed by authorized users.

To provide solutions for tracking employee competency development, there is a People Development feature covering the assessment process, development programs, monitoring, and evaluation



Our Services


Enhance your data security and flexibility with our Cloud solution that supports business efficiency.  


Prohace - HCIS offers ease of use, lightweight performance, cost efficiency, fast report generation, convenient data migration, and seamless integration with your company's existing systems. The ideal choice for effective and efficient human capital management.

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